Tuesday, October 5, 2010


My mornings have been a lot earlier since I've gotten Dash. It's been a good thing - who'd a thunk. I'm a night owl and mornings have always been difficult, to say the least. I've always hated that part of me - my whole family are morning people. Are? Is? Grammar - hmm. Bear in mind, I didn't sleep 'till noon - I got up, with the help of two alarms, and two dogs.... but I just hated it. Now, I'm up before the first alarm. Before the first dog even. It's nice. The animals are all fed and watered and milked by 8. My house is clean and ready for the day by 9 am. Hehe, but I've been in bed and pretty much asleep by 9 or 10 pm each day. Not a bad thing. Just new. I really really hope it lasts. I kinda like it.


Michelle said...

Sounds like a good move all around! Maybe I need a milking goat. Nah....

Heather said...

Goats milk is the best alternative for mother's milk - for any animal (esp. lambs!)

Jayne said...

I used to be a night owl too Heather and then married "Mr. Morning" who, not only got up early, but was so chipper too... ugh. Over the years, I've adapted, and now, we are up at 5 every morning which I've come to love as I am not rushed in the mornings and take time to sit here for 30-45 minutes with my coffee and soothing music reading blogs before heading out to start my day. We are always in bed by 9:30-10, but I find I am really tired and I sleep like a log.