Saturday, December 5, 2009

SNOW day

You know those shows that show the ending first? Well, here is the view out my kitchen window - my truck AFTER I got it out of the drift it was in. I think it was God that invented four wheel drives.
Here is the drift it was in. It was still a bit dark and blowing snow messed with the camera a bit, but you can just makeout the front edge of the truck. The drift went up over the back of the truck even over the racks - which are 6 ft tall. Insane. It did this overnight.

So, as you can see, I'm having a snow day. Its not supposed to let up until tomorrow night apparently. Wow. I've got 3 dogs and 2 cats in the house and they're starting to get edgy. Fun fun fun!


Deborah said...

I'm glad to see you posting! But your post made me shiver just reading about it. I can't imagine that much cold in one place and all at once. Brrr.

Hey, are you on Facebook?

Jayne said...

Wow Heather! That is SOME snow! Keep warm and sane in there. ;c)